1 Formula e-Commerce Coach Print on Demand Print-On-Demand Vs Aliexpress Dropshipping: Which Is Better?

Print-On-Demand Vs Aliexpress Dropshipping: Which Is Better?


Internet browser with a Aliexpress store page

When it comes to starting an eCommerce business, two of the most popular options are Print-on-Demand (POD) and Aliexpress Dropshipping. While both have their pros and cons, choosing between the two can be overwhelming for beginners. In this article, we will compare and contrast these two models and help you determine which one is better for your business.

What is Print-on-Demand?

Print-on-Demand is a business model that allows you to create custom designs and have them printed on products only when customers order them. You don’t need to have any inventory, and you don’t need to handle shipping or packaging. Instead, you design products, upload them to a POD service, and they take care of everything else.

What is Aliexpress Dropshipping?

Aliexpress Dropshipping, on the other hand, is a business model that involves finding products on Aliexpress and selling them to customers through your own website. You don’t need to hold any inventory, and you don’t need to handle shipping or packaging. Instead, you act as a middleman between the supplier and the customer, and you make a profit on the difference between the wholesale price and the retail price.


One of the main advantages of POD is that it has very low startup costs. You don’t need to purchase any inventory upfront, and you don’t need to pay for any shipping or packaging. All you need to pay for is the product and the printing service. Aliexpress Dropshipping, on the other hand, may have a higher startup cost, as you need to purchase inventory upfront and pay for shipping and packaging.

Product Variety

POD allows you to offer a wide variety of products, from t-shirts and mugs to phone cases and tote bags. You can create custom designs for each product, making them unique to your brand. Aliexpress Dropshipping, on the other hand, is limited to the products available on Aliexpress. While there are a lot of products available, you may not be able to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Quality Control

With POD, you have complete control over the design and the product quality. You can choose the materials used, and you can ensure that the printing is done correctly. With Aliexpress Dropshipping, you are at the mercy of the supplier. While you can choose a reputable supplier, you may still run into issues with product quality or shipping.

Shipping Times

POD usually has longer shipping times, as the product needs to be printed and shipped to the customer. Aliexpress Dropshipping, on the other hand, may have faster shipping times, as the product is already in stock and ready to be shipped.

Profit Margins

POD typically has higher profit margins, as you can set your own prices and the cost of the product is relatively low. With Aliexpress Dropshipping, the profit margins are lower, as you need to factor in the cost of the product, shipping, and packaging.

Customer Service

With POD, you are responsible for customer service, as the customer is buying directly from you. With Aliexpress Dropshipping, the supplier is responsible for customer service. This can be both a pro and a con, as it takes some of the responsibility off of you, but it also means you may not have as much control over the customer experience.

Which One is Better?

So, which one is better? The answer is, it depends. If you’re looking for a low-cost, low-risk option that allows you to offer a wide variety of products with complete control over the design and quality, then POD is a great option. If you’re willing to invest more upfront and want access to a wider range of products, faster shipping times, you should setup your own warehouse and fulfill your order by yourself.

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