
I would guess that you’re referring by a friend or google and found me. Are you looking for professional advice on how to setup “something” online or to get help with marketing or advertising? Perhaps a friend or an ex-colleague misinterpret an e-commerce professional as a “do-everything guy” to you. I don’t do any of the above. I have to apologies. (I could refer someone to you if you need)

If you’re not, I am glad. You wanted something ‘bigger’ or to expand your business product range to reach out to the world. And you don’t want to spend money on advertising and marketing but to leverage on existing buyer hungry websites to clear your old stocks or expand your range of products.

You have come to the right place. Read on.

A little background about myself.

I started off my career as an IT administrator and got bored doing day in and day out IT support work. Hence I decided to explore online and back in 2006, I founded this website. Back then I was a blogger and blogging on men’s clothing in specific men’s cufflinks. And I went on to interview a group of experts in men’s clothing and compiled their knowledge into an ebook. This is when my blog took off and ranked #1 on men’s clothing in few a few months.

It was in 2009 when I first start my journey in e-commerce retailing and have a few successes selling products from China and was featured a few times on local newspaper. Back then, Alibaba wasn’t that well-know and selling stuff online was pretty easy and straightfoward.

Fast forward to 2013, I founded a new company which focus on helping small businesses to source for products from China and started to coach small business owner and individual about selling products online.

I teaches on online platform like Youtube, Skillshare and YouTube. And participate as a topic expert at Quora.

If you’re a new to online retail and would like to bring your business to reach out to more audiences, drop me a message on Whatsapp. Let’s meet and talk.

Adwin Ang, 1 Formule e-Commerce Coach

Founder of Digipro Consultancy.